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Perie, M. (submitted) Validating achievement level descriptors. (originally written for the National

Assessment Governing Board)

Roeber, E., Olson, J., Topol, B., Webb, N., Christophersen, S., Perie, M., Pace, J, Lazarus, S. and Thurlow,

M. (2018) Feasibility of the use of the ACT and SAT in lieu of Florida Statewide Assessments. White paper commissioned by the Florida State Department of Education. Available online at

Perie, M. (2017). An assessment for every purpose, under heaven. Presentation to the Michigan Assessment

Consortium, Assessment Learning Network. Lansing, MI. December, 2017.

Perie, M. (2017). Management of everything: The role of a testing company leader. Part of symposium entitled Walking a tightrope: Navigating the balance of policy and psychometrics. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the National Council on Measurement in San Antonio, TX. April, 2017.

Perie, M. (2017). Essential features of interim assessments used for various purposes. Part of symposium entitled Contemporary issues with interim assessments. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the National Council on Measurement in San Antonio, TX. April, 2017.

Bruce, W., Burrill, G., Nelson, J., and Perie, M. (2017) Fairness in assessment: Compared to what? An

invited panel discussion at SXSW Edu in Austin, TX. March, 2017.

Kopriva, R., Thurlow, M., Perie, M., Lazarus, S., & Clark, A. (2016). Test takers and the validity of score

interpretations. Educational Psychologist, 51(1) pp.108–128.

Perie, M. & Zhao, F. (2016). A passage-based approach to setting cut scores on ELA assessments.

Presented at the Annual Meeting for the National Council on Measurement in Washington, DC. April, 2016

Chen, J. & Perie, M. (2016). Comparability within computer-based assessment: Does screen size matter?

Presented at the Annual Meeting for the National Council on Measurement in Washington, DC. April, 2016

Perie, M. & Huff, K. (2015). Determining content and cognitive demand for educational assessments. In S.

Lane, M. Raymond, & T. Haladyna (eds). Handbook of Test Design. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.

Perie, M. & Domaleski, C. (2013). Promoting equity in state education accountability systems, Presented at

the CCSSO Large-Scale Assessment Conference in National Harbor, MD. June, 2013

Perie, M. (2013). Developing PLDs for "readiness" using a statistical approach. Presented at the Annual

Meeting for the National Council on Measurement in San Francisco, CA. April, 2013

Perie, M, Marion, S., Goldstein, J. & Roach, A. (in review). Evaluating scoring issues in alternate

assessments using a validity argument. Submitted to Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, March 19, 2012

Gotch C. & Perie, M. (2012). Using validity arguments to evaluate the technical quality of local assessment

systems. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Vancouver, Canada, April 2012.

Perie, M. & Thurlow, M. (2011). Setting achievement standards on assessments for students with

disabilities. In G. Cizek (ed.) Setting Performance Standards: Foundations, Methods, and Innovations, 2nd edition. New York, NY: Routledge.

Perie, M. & Forte, E. (2011). Developing a validity argument for assessments of students in the margins. In

M. Russell (ed.) Assessing students in the margins: Challenges, strategies, and techniques. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Perie, M. (ed), (2010). Teaching and Assessing Low-Achieving Students with Disabilities: A Guide to

Alternate Assessments based on Modified Achievement Standards. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

Perie, M. (2010). Developing achievement level descriptors and setting cut scores on an alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards. In M. Perie (ed), Teaching and Assessing Low- Achieving Students with Disabilities: A Guide to Alternate Assessments based on Modified Achievement Standards. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing. pp. 185–212.

Li, Y., Marion, S., Perie, M., & Gong, B. (2010). An approach for evaluating the technical quality of

interim assessments. Peabody Journal of Education, 85 (2) pp. 163–185.

Perie, M. (2010). Setting alternate achievement standards. Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky, Human

Development Institute, National Alternate Assessment Center. Available online at:

Marion, S. & Perie, M. (2009). In introduction to validity arguments in alternate assessments. In Schaeffer,

W.D. and Lissitz, R. W. (eds). Alternate Assessment: Proceedings from the 8th Annual MARCES Conference. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

Perie, M., Marion, S., & Gong, B., (2009). Moving towards a comprehensive assessment system: A

framework for considering interim assessment. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 28(3) pp. 5-13.

Perie, Marianne. (2008). A guide to understanding and developing performance level descriptors.

Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 27(4) pp. 15–29.

Zieky, M., Perie, M., & Livingston, S. (2008). Cutscores: A manual for setting performance standards on

educational and occupational tests. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Perie, M. & Marion, S. (2008). Constructing a Validity Argument for an Alternate Assessment based on

Alternate Achievement Standards (AA-AAS). National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Dover, NH: NCIEA.

Ferrara, S., Perie, M., Johnson, E. (2008). Matching the judgmental task with standard setting panelist

expertise: The Item-Descriptor (ID) Matching procedure. Journal of Applied Testing Technology, 9(1).

Perie, M., Hess, K., & Gong, B. (2008) Writing performance level descriptors: Applying lessons learned

from the general assessment to alternate assessments based on alternate and modified achievement standards. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education in New York, NY, March 2008 and available at

Perie, M. (2007). Key elements in educational accountability models. Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers.

Perie, M., Marion, S., Wurtzel, J. & Gong, B., (2007). A Framework for Considering Interim Assessments:

A Policy Brief. Aspen Institute, Achieve, and the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Dover, NH: NCIEA.

Gong, B., Perie, M., & Dunn, J. (2006). Using Student Longitudinal Growth Measures for School

Accountability. National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Dover, NH: NCIEA.

Perie, M. (2006). Convening an Articulation Panel after a Standard Setting Meeting: A How-To Guide.

National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Dover, NH: NCIEA.

Perie, M. (2006). OK, I Have My Cut Scores...Now What: Evaluating Recommended Cut Scores Prior to

Final Adoption. Presented at the CCSSO Large-Scale Assessment Conference in San Francisco, CA. June, 2006

Zieky, M., Perie, M., and Livingston, S. (2006). A Primer on Setting Cut Scores on Tests of Educational

Achievement. (ETS Research Report #1134) Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service

Mazzeo, J., Kulick, E., Tay-Lim, B., and Perie, M. (2006).Technical Report for the 2000 Market-Basket

Study in Mathematics. (ETS-NAEP report #06-T01). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

Perie, M., Vanneman, A., and Goldstein, A. (2006). Student Achievement in Private Schools: Results from NAEP 2000–2005. (NCES 2006–459). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Perie, M., Grigg, W., and Dion, G. (2005). The Nation’s Report Card: Mathematics 2005 (NCES 2006– 453). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Perie, M., Grigg, W., and Donohue, P. (2005). The Nation’s Report Card: Reading 2005 (NCES 2006–

451). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

Perie, M. and Moran, R. (2005) NAEP 2004 Trends in Academic Progress: Three Decades of Student

Performance in Reading and Mathematics (NCES 2005–464). U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, D.C.: GPO.

Perie, M., Zieky, M., and Pitnoniak, M. “Considerations in Setting Performance Standards.” Training

Session. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education in Montreal, Canada, April 2005, April 2006, and April 2007

Duncan, T., Perie, M., Ferrara, S., Chilikuri, R. (2005). Cognition, conation, and affect in middle-school

students: Implications for the construct validity of science assessment items. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research.

Perie, M. and Bourque, M. “Introduction to Standard Setting.” Presented for the Graduate Certificate

Program at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, August 2004.

Perie, M. (2002). Cognitive Laboratory Investigations of the Problem Solving Inquiry Items for the Trend in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). A report prepared for the National Center for Education Statistics. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research.

Baldi, S., Perie, M., Skidmore, D, Greenberg, E, and Hahn, C. (2001) What Democracy Means to Ninth- Graders: U.S. Results From the International IEA Civic Education Study (NCES 2001-096), U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Garavaglia, D., Searcy, C., Perie, M., Oppler, S., and Ferrara, S. (2000) Translating the NAEP Achievement

Levels to the Voluntary National Tests. A report prepared for the National Assessment Governing Board. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research.

Perie, M., Sherman, J., Phillips, G., and Riggan, M. (2000) Elementary and Secondary Education: An

International Perspective, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Perie, M., Williams, T., Kastberg, D., Gruner, A., and Binkley, M. (1999). Literacy in the Labor Force: Examining the Supply and Demand of Literacy in Twelve Nations. Presented at the Annual AERA conference in Montreal, Canada, April, 1999.

Perie, M. (1998). The challenge of data collection: How to collect nationally comparable data from states

and districts without duplicating efforts or over-burdening respondents. Panel presentation presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association in Chicago, IL, November, 1998.

Perie, Marianne and Baker, David P. (1997). Job Satisfaction among America’s Teachers: Effects of

Workplace Conditions, Background Characteristics, and Teacher Compensation, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Perie, M., Baker, D., and Bobbitt, S. (1997). Time Spent Teaching Core Academic Subjects in Elementary

Schools: Comparisons Across Community, School, Teacher, and Student Characteristics, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Perie, M., Jing, Z., Pearson, R., Sherman, J., and Snyder, T. (1997). International Education Indicators: A Time Series Perspective. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Matheson, N., Salganik, L., Phelps, R., Perie, M., Alsalam, N., and Smith, T. (1996). Education Indicators: 

An International Perspective, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Smith, T., Perie, M., Alsalam, N., Pratt-Mahoney, R., Bae, Y., & Aronstromm, B. (1995). The Condition of

Education, 1995, U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.

Callahan, C., Bland, J., Adams, C., Moore, S., Moon, T., Perie, M., & McIntyre, J. (1995). Participation of

Young Women in Special Schools of Math/Science/and Technology. In K. D. Arnold, K. D. Noble, and R. F. Subodnik (Eds.). Remarkable Women: Perspectives in Female Talent Development. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc.

Delcourt, M., Loyd, B., Bland, L., Moon, T., & Perie, M. (1993). Trends in Achievement and

Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation of High Ability Children. Presented at the Annual AERA meeting in Atlanta, GA, April 1993.

Loyd, B., Perie, M. & Moon, T. (1992). The Effect of Nonachievement Factors on the Grading Process.

Presented at the Annual AERA conference in San Francisco, CA, April, 1992.

Dunning, D., Perie, M., & Story, A. (1991) Self-serving prototypes of social categories. Journal of

Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 6.

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